Wednesday, May 22, 2013

My Announcement

There is something that I want to do...

I've wanted to do it for a very long time...

My heart and dear people around me have told me to do it for several years now, but I never felt confident enough to even attempt it...

Actually, I don't really feel confident enough right at this moment to move forward on this decision... but I'm moving forward somehow...

...because every time I consider this idea, my heart beats heavier, my hands tremble, and I feel deep emotions well up within me.  From past experience, this is the Spirit confirming a decision that I have made.

Over the last few days, I've gone back and forth between the powerful feelings of the Spirit and the powerful feelings of self doubt.

Although both are powerful, only one is encouraging.  I am fighting the negativity in my mind so that I may give God full reign over my soul and my life.

I'm trying to be brave...


I have decided to write a book!

Yes... there... It's in writing...  I can now be held accountable.

... I'm not even sure where to begin or where it will lead me.

I'm praying for God's hand to guide me in this process because it's bigger than anything I feel capable of at this moment.

Last week Mariah said, "Mommy!  I haven't wet my bed for a REALLY long time... It's a MIRACLE!!"

I just smiled at her and said, "Good job."  In my mind, it wasn't really a miracle... she was just getting older and learning how to have better control.

I guess she noticed the look on my face and said, "-but Mommy... it really is a miracle!!!"

I thought about this and realized some things:

Mariah tries so hard to be grown up, and she has been working at this goal for a very long time!

*For her, at her young age of 5 years, this was a big deal.  To try to master this skill on her own, she needed God's help.   Who am I to judge what a miracle is in her life?  

*For me, at my "old" age of 35 years, this is a big deal.  To try to write a book while continuing in my other duties and passions of motherhood, I need God's help.  Who am I to judge what miracles God can produce in my simple life?

I'm taking a step into the dark, but...



  1. Can't wait to buy and read it!

    1. You are so sweet that you would actually read it- a true friend! :-) I'll keep you updated on my progress. xoxo

  2. I'm so proud of you! It will be wonderful!

    1. Andrea, thank you for your continued support and encouragement!!! You are ALWAYS so uplifting! I'll do my best!!! :-)

  3. Super, super excited!! I know you will be guided to write the message in your heart. I love your blog and come each night before bed to read your words and experiences! Can't wait to buy & read the book!!

    1. Oh thank you for your encouragement and especially your confidence that I will be guided... that is my greatest hope in this process. My heart is so warmed knowing that you are reading each night!! Thank you soooo very much for your comment. God bless you.

  4. Huge announcement! If you love writing like you do have no fear. There is another blogger that I follow that is a blogger turned author and has incredible way of writing. you may enjoy it. Happy writings!

    1. Thank you! Thank you for sharing such a beautiful blog. I just finished reading a few of her writings, and I am impressed with the sincerity with which she writes- I can feel her spirit. Thank you for your encouragement too!! I'll think often on your positive words throughout this entire happy process. :-) Take Care and God Bless You.

  5. You are a beautiful writer! This is fantastic news. :) I can't wait to read it!

    1. Thank you so very, very much!! I'm honored and humbled by your compliment. Hopefully it will be another way for us to stay connected! :-) Sending hugs from ALL of us to ALL of you!

  6. Outstanding! Beautiful! Awesome! So glad you are following the Spirit on this. I am excited for you. What are your topic options?

    1. Thank you! I appreciate you sharing in my excitement. I also greatly appreciate all of your advice. I do have a topic that I am writing on. I'm keeping it a secret for right now even from my husband. :-)


Thank you for your comments! As you prepare your words, please remember that I am a real person with a real family. Choose your words kindly and lovingly.