Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Birthday Wishes: God's Perfect Timing

For Tyson's birthday last week, I wrote his birth story.  Even though Tyson was completely happy with his strawberry cake and favorite dinner with family and a few friends.  Tyson's greatest wishes were to go to a football game and to go deep sea fishing.  He had been talking about it for months.  I prayed to know how to make his day special because we couldn't afford either of those things.  His birthday passed, and Tyson never complained about not going deep sea fishing or watching a football game.  A surprise came… one week after his birthday!  

Our awesome neighbors gave us 5 free tickets to the big college rivalry football game here.  What a blessing!  The tickets were intended for Abe's parents and for me and Abe, but Abe's mom graciously sacrificed her ticket for all the Mills Boys to go together.  I also stayed home with the little ones.  It was a perfect day! The game instilled even more passion in their hearts that they want to play college ball like their daddy. Well… they actually want to play in the NFL!  Remember their faces! :-)  Tyson is number 89. :-)

  According to all the Mills Boys, the marching bands were amazing beyond words… they danced their formations, played awesome music, and flipped their instruments around between notes. This also motivated them to excel in their instrumental talents!

I must say… the Mills Boys are soooo cute!

Yesterday, the second part of Tyson's greatest wish was realized as well!  

There are several ponds with fish in the subdivision where we live, but we asked around and discovered a fabulous fishing location called Sebastion Inlet.  (It's where the expert high caliber fishers and surfers go.)  

The pier reached out into the deep sea to great depths without going out on an expensive ship.  It was perfect!  

It was a little chilly and very windy which created awesome waves on the outer coast.  Once we reached the outer pier, the kids were amazed watching experts pull out 100 lb fish! 

As the sun set, the Pelicans soared in from the skies and dove in for the fish every few seconds.  It was simply breathtaking to soak in the majesty of God's creations...

...and to feel HIS power within HIS creations as the waves pounded against the pier.

I believe that God expects us to work towards our righteous desires, and then HE opens the doors when those righteous desires are in accordance with HIS will.  I believe that God cares about the things that truly make our hearts happy.  I believe that God's timing may be longer than we want at times.  Despite that, I believe that HIS timing is absolutely perfect.  

I thank God for blessing our lives and fulfilling our righteous desires in such magnificent ways and perfect timing.  

Our perfect day even included a little mud/sand fight… They tried to get me, but I think I won. :-)


  1. It's so strange looking at your kids frolicking on the beach in their shorts as I sit here shivering on our 12-degree day! But what wonderful blessings you are all enjoying!

    1. I'm sure it is strange!! It's still strange to me to be here. I prayed for years and years to live in Florida. When we received inspiration to move here in August, it was a great surprise to me that we were actually moving. Since financial devastation accompanied our move, I almost forgot how grateful I was that we are actually living where I always wanted to live… and near/with family too… even better. I am grateful. I've been thinking about your sweet daughter on her mission. What amazing children you have!!! Happy Thanksgiving my friend.


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