Friday, July 26, 2013

Steps of Faith

We are facing a difficulty as a family right now, and I had been feeling a little bit defeated by the steps of faith we would need to take to try to resolve our problem.

I sat down and opened a spiritually-based magazine entitled the "Ensign."  The magazine I opened was from a few years back, and the story I opened to was one I had never read before.

As I read the title, I tilted my head back and thought, "Am I reading this right?"  The title of the story had the exact words of the struggle I was facing!  I couldn't believe it!

I read the article knowing God had guided me to it, and I took the advice within knowing God's hand was close by.  Having that knowledge of God's closeness is helping me greatly with the sacrifices we are needing to make in the pathway to our resolution.

I hold on tight to these small little miracles because by these small moments of recognizing God's hand, shall great things come to pass.  I believe it, and I put all my faith in that comforting thought!


  1. that was me with THIS month's ensign!!! Its all about God's timing and about a shock to your system of your Heavenly Father who is SO aware of you and your struggles!!!

    Also, thank you for that sweet comment on my last "journey" touched my heart. xoxo

    1. xoxo's to YOU!! Thank you for sharing your experience! It is so beautiful how our Heavenly Father shows such an individualized love to ALL who choose to welcome HIM in to their lives. Thank you so much again!

  2. I am sorry for your struggles and yet grateful for your examples of faith amidst those struggles. I am currently preparing my lesson for Sunday for Relief Society and the topic is "Beautiful Mornings" and the basic theme is regardless of whatever comes at us the Lord has said, "Be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and I will stand by you" (D&C 68:6). This was your moment to recognize Him standing by you and your family in this difficult time.

    He has done the same for me, time and time again.

    I think it is funny when we feel surprised by it because, while I am not the caliber of parent that He is, as a mere earthly parent, I flood my children with guidance and counsel, even when they don't ask for it, but all the more when they do. How much more then, will our Father in Heaven, who knows us intimately, be eager to lovingly guide us to the pathway of greatest success and happiness?

    Miracles abound and blessings are infinite and they are yours because you are His daughter.

    Thank you for sharing your faith-building experience :)

    1. What a GREAT perspective! You speak so much truth! :-) Thank you so much also for the scripture! I believe it will be one of my new favorites. :-) Good luck on your lesson- I wish I could be in your class. :-)


Thank you for your comments! As you prepare your words, please remember that I am a real person with a real family. Choose your words kindly and lovingly.