Thursday, October 31, 2013

Why I Delete...

I am very open and honest about many of my heartaches and joys on my blog here.  I do not share ALL of the things that swirl around in my heart and mind.  Some things are too sacred, others are too private, and even others are too crazy. :-)

Last night I needed a time to sort through those swirling thoughts.  Late in the night, I went on a long drive and sat in my car for a while praying, crying, reading, and pondering.  As I prayed, I asked God to humble me.  I even cringed for a moment when I said those words.  Then I said them more boldly knowing that God knows best how to humble us.  Since that experience, I have felt the strong impression to make a few things very clear.

My Purpose for Writing this Blog

It is time for me to boldly speak about my purpose in writing my blog.  My blog is a holy place for me. I never write a single word without first reading my scriptures and dropping to my knees in prayer.

My purpose is to praise God's hand in my daily life.  I am forever grateful that so many others have chosen to praise God with me.  My first intention was not to even share my words, but God told me to share it in a way that I could never deny it.  I was so nervous the first time I shared my words that my whole arm that pushed the share button went numb.  I feel that same nervousness every day that I write because I am truly writing the things that are close to my heart and that I feel God is speaking to me.

Why I Delete Comments

You will never find me writing negative words about any other religion on my blog.  That is NOT what I stand for.  Ugly, degrading words is not the way God teaches.

There is plenty of ugly talk in the world.  There are plenty of places where I can find somebody who will criticize me for my beliefs.  Throughout history, there have been plenty of people who argue and fight over doctrines and their interpretations over doctrine.

When I delete a comment, it is not because I am afraid of the contents of the message.  It's because of the ugliness of the tone that I don't have the energy or time trying to rid from my life.  I'd rather just delete it.   I don't watch rated R movies, and I don't let my children watch rated R movies (or even PG13 yet for that matter).  I restrict that material from our home and our lives because it's one thing that I have the power  to rid from my life.  I have no need to let them watch the bad to decide for themselves.  Similarly with my blog; I have the power to rid that negativity from my life.  I love good, honest questions or concerns about my beliefs, and I'm happy to clarify any misunderstandings you may have about my beliefs.  You can even disagree.  However, the rudeness and negativity will not receive an answer from me any longer, and MANY have already been deleted.

Many Religions Hold Pieces of Truth

There are so many things I have yet to learn about God, and there are so many BEAUTIFUL religions both Christian and nonchristian which teach me how to be a better person.  I learn so much from each of them.  There are even atheists from whom I can learn great lessons of life.  One of my favorite classes at BYU was a World Religions  course. It was through that course that I learned to fully value the wonderful principles being taught in so many different religions across the world.

Now... I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I am a Christian.  Jesus Christ is my Savior.  I read the Bible and The Book of Mormon on a daily basis.  No committee, no group of people, no single person can define who is allowed into that realm of Christianity.  Only Christ knows the intentions of my heart and knows that I proclaim HIM as my Savior.

What if I'm Wrong?

This is a very important principle to me.  Maybe I am wrong.  Maybe I'm not.

I have researched for years my religion and many other religions.  I have received too many strong confirmations that my Savior is pleased about the direction I am taking in my life with my family.  Is there more I can learn?  Certainly, and I am in constant prayer about that.  Do I have doubts at times?  Certainly, but I return to the feelings I once received and embrace the answers and gospel principles which have changed my life.

I believe we need Jesus Christ to live in Heaven with HIM some day.  I also believe there are so many thousands of amazing people who do not know Christ as I do.  Some do not even know HIM at all... but God is the judge.  In my mind and in my realm of beliefs, I do not make any judgements about where they will be after this life.  I do not know their understanding of the truths they have received.  I do not know what they have experienced in their lives.  I am not the one to judge!

In Luke 23:34, Jesus prayed to his Father saying, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." 

In Helaman 3:27, "...the Lord is merciful unto all who will, in the sincerity of their hearts, call upon his holy name."  

Jesus Christ is so good to us that if in our deepest humility, we are truly striving to follow HIM and if we are truly striving to live our lives the best way we know how, he will provide a way for us to return to HIM.  

Why I Stand Strong in my Beliefs

 I have spent years studying and researching my beliefs.  I am writing with a clear knowledge and clear testimony of what I believe.

Last night as I sat in my van, I prayed for humility.  This morning I sat in my van again waiting for my children to finish their violin class.  While I waited, I received notices on my cell phone that SEVERAL people had been writing on my blog throughout the night making false claims about my religion, sending me to hell with their words, and using profanity.  Some of the commenters professed to be x-Mormons. This persecution made my heart sad.

Nobody was around.  My other children were at home.  I sat in my car and prayed out loud with the most sincerity I could muster.  I prayed with a strong desire to know what the Lord was trying to teach me from this experience.  I couldn't help but feel there was a direct correlation between my prayer and these commenters.

I finished my prayer, opened my scriptures, and a miracle unfolded within the scriptures!!  I did not search my scriptures for these verses.  These verses were in the very chapter I was scheduled to be reading anyway.

In The Book of Mormon in Helaman 3:33-35, I read:

"33) And in the fifty and first year of the reign of the judges there was peace also, save it were the pride which began to enter into the church- not into the church of God, but into the hearts of the people who professed to belong to the church of God.
34) And they were lifted up in pride, even to the persecution of many of their brethren.  Now this was a great evil, which did cause the more humble part of the people to suffer great persecutions, and to wade through much affliction.
35)Nevertheless they did fast and pray oft, and did wax stronger and stronger in their humility, and firmer and firmer in the faith of Christ, unto the filling their soul with joy and consolation, yea even to the purifying and the sanctification of their hearts, which sanctification cometh because of their yielding their hearts unto God."

I am not saying that I am humble.  I need more humility- that's why I was praying for it.  What I am saying is that I find it enlightening that the moment I prayed for humility, others wrote persecuting words towards me about my faith.   I also find it enlightening that after I mourned their harsh words for a moment and still chose to follow my faith, I became "firmer and firmer in the faith of Christ" ... just as the scripture states.

Those harsh words and the inspired scriptures were a miracle to me and an answer to my prayers for my desired humility and understanding.

To Wrap It Up...

My purpose for writing is to praise God, and I will delete your comments and give you another try if your words do not praise HIM.  God bless you... whatever religion you may be, and God bless you in your efforts to bring others to HIM.  I hope to hear from you soon for I am strengthened by your faith.


  1. Just read the Gospel of John. Read Jesus' own words.

    1. Thank you Joanne. I appreciate a kinder tone from you. :-) I just read the Gospel of John today.

  2. Would you share with us what you gleaned from it.

  3. Hugs to you. So sorry that you have to deal with the unkindness of others.

    1. Your hugs are received over here across the country with big, open arms. It's just what I needed. Thank you so very, very much.

  4. I love you Rachel. I love your testimony and your courage. I love reading your uplifting words of Jesus Christ. Your personal struggles and the manner in which you face them with a great desire to be who God wants you to be lifts me and helps me to be better. Praying for you and your family!!

    1. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I couldn't help but cry as I read your uplifting comment after such a bombardment of negativity. What a difference in the love that I felt from your words. Thank you for your prayers. I love you so much.

  5. Hang in there! Your light is shining brightly!!!

    1. Thank you so much for your kindness. I want so badly to be a light for Christ. Your words of support fill my heart and are a light to me. I read your comment before I said my prayers and could feel the power of God's light.

  6. Shine God's light and share from the Book of John. Share His truths and promises so that people can know Christ. There is nothing that can stop his purpose or his words from coming true. His words are awe inspiring and it's comforting to know that we can put confidence in everything that God says. It would be an awesome blog post to share His words of truth.

    1. Thank you for your suggestions. I also appreciate your kinder tone from your last several comments that I had to delete.

      I agree that Christ's words are awe inspiring, comforting, and indeed we can put our confidence in everything HE says. Thank you for sharing those words. I love my Savior.

      Something I find interesting about reading the scriptures is that each time I read, a different message presents itself. I often ask myself, "Were those words always there?" Of course they were; but when one is reading with the Holy Ghost's companionship, the message they need to hear is the one that stands out beyond the others. The same thing happened to me as I read several chapters in the Book of John yesterday.

      I do not feel it would be prudent to share those sacred messages I gleaned from the Book of John at this time because I have not felt inspired to do so.

      However, I do love John 8:12.

      "Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."

      When I pray, I feel HIS light pushing away any darkness that attempts to enter my life.

    2. I think you have me confused with a different Anonymous. This is the first time I have commented.

    3. I'm sorry I got you confused with the other anonymous writer asking me to read and share my views about the book of John. It's hard for me to keep up with all the anonymous people currently commenting all throughout my blog. Thank you for clarifying, and I look forward to hearing from you again. As you requested, I do try my hardest to write words of truth according to my faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

    4. That is a wonderful verse as is the whole chapter and the whole book of John. Jesus has dramatically called people to come to him for God's living water (John 7:37-38) and now he again refers to himself in a most startling way, saying, I am the light of the world (v. 12). Verse 12 continues Jesus’ public teaching in the city of Jerusalem in the temple area (8:1-11). The event described here took place during the Feast of Tabernacles, when the large lamps were burning. On the evening of the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles there was a ceremony called The Illumination of the Temple. It took place in the Court of the Women. The court was surrounded with deep galleries, erected to hold the spectators. In the center four great candelabra were prepared. When the dark came the four great candelabra were lit and they sent such a blaze of light throughout Jerusalem that every courtyard was lit up with their brilliance. In the light of these lamps there was great singing and dancing all evening in celebration of God's salvation, especially his deliverance at the exodus as he lead his people with his presence in a pillar of fire by night. In the sight of these great lamps in the Court of Women (8:20), perhaps even in the evening while they blazed, Jesus proclaims himself to be the light of the world. It is this setting where Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.” Naturally speaking, the world is in the darkness of sin, ignorance, and aimlessness. The light is Jesus. Apart from Him, there is no deliverance from the blackness of sin. Jesus promised that anyone following Him would not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.
      The Apostle John, in his eyewitness account of this scene, records the real Jesus as saying — “I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I Am — [the eternal God Himself come in human flesh] — you will indeed die in your sins.” John 8:24. We are not dealing with some minor issue here. But rather, this is the heart of the very Gospel of Jesus Christ itself!

      Light is a used as a symbol of the absence of darkness. Light means to "shine or make manifest" and the scope of His light was to all men and the whole world. Where the light shines darkness is expelled and cannot exist. Further, if a person receives the Light, which is Jesus and His truth, his faith will give him life, save him, his sins will be forgiven, and he will receive eternal life. A believer will never walk in darkness, that is, he will not live in it (John 12:46; 1 John 1:6-7). He does not remain in the realm of evil and ignorance (John 12:46) for he has Christ as his Light and salvation. Many follow false lights, that lead them to destruction; but Christ is the true light. I am so glad I follow the true light of the world, Jesus Christ. Jesus who is the eternal God Himself come in human flesh and not my spirit brother, He is GOD. The Jesus Christ who has existed eternally as God the second Person of the Trinity, He who exists eternally as one Person with both divine and human natures. I know that it is only through THE LIGHT, Jesus, that I’m unable to live a life righteous enough to meet God's standard of perfect holiness. I become right with God by faith in the WORK OF CHRIST, not by the work of Christ plus MY OWN WORKS. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God” Ephesians 2:8. I can see and believe in HIS LIGHT because God's Word (the Bible) alone is authoritative and is correct. Living in His light means I am no longer in the darkness. He IS the light.

    5. Correction to a sentence: Jesus, that I’m ABLE to live a life righteous enough to meet God's standard of perfect holiness.

      It should say ABLE not UNABLE

    6. I greatly appreciate your beautiful words accompanying so many scriptures of pure truth. Your verses and love for Christ touched my heart. I'm glad you quoted John 7:37-38 because these two verses deeply touched my heart as well as I read this chapter. Thank you for taking the time to give the history and background of each scripture. It was very eloquently written. I can second your words with all my heart that Jesus Christ IS light. I strive daily to come closer to HIM each day. I talk to HIM all day long as I do my daily duties around the house. HE is my light!! He is my everything! He has lilt the way for me when life seemed impossible. I know HE loves you and HE loves me too.

  7. I never comment on blogs where I don't know the writer personally - but I wanted you to know that I love your blog, read it every time you post, and enjoy every word. xoxo

    1. Jan, thank you so very much for having the courage and heart to comment today. I greatly appreciate knowing you are there reading and appreciating what I feel guided to write. I make LOTS of mistakes. Thank you for continuing to read. :-) Thank you also for the hugs and kisses!! I feel them! xoxoxo

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Dear Anonymous, you claim to be an active member of my church yet you made several claims about the black members of the church which are not accurate or doctrinal. That is why I deleted your comments. Complete lies are not allowed. I have taken several courses on this very issue and read countless books on this issue.

      Your "prayer" ending in Jesus' name asking forgiveness for my damned soul because I have mixed with the black race was very sacrilegious. None of the statements you shared are new to me. They are all things I have heard many times before. They are NOT doctrine and were NOT taught as doctrine. Prominent leaders within our church did make statements many years ago and have since apologized for their misunderstandings on racial issues.

      My bi-racial children and my black husband are very much accepted, loved, and valued. My husband and I have every right offered to us to participate and lead in full church activity. It was never taught to not mix races. It was taught in the scriptures to not mix religion... but not race. You are mistaken; the color of the skin is not the curse in the scriptures. It was their distinguishing characteristic which separated them (at that time) from the believers and the nonbelievers. The Army of Helaman of which I wrote last week was an army full of those who had dark skin. They were an army, claimed by their white captain, as his sons.

    2. *Clarification: when I refer to not mixing religion. My understanding of those statements from the scriptures is referring to those who believed in the coming of Jesus Christ vs those who did not. I do not believe that those who do mix religion nor marry those outside of their belief system are damned to hell either.

    3. I loved this blog post and I understand why you delete some comments, even the one(s) by this particular "Anonymous" person.

      But I wish Mr/Mrs. Anonymous would a) not remain anonymous so his/her misunderstandings can be appropriately attributed and b) understand that by the very fact that you presumed to think that Rachel and Abe were damned because of their mixed marriage NULLIFIED your ability to comment on the matter.

      You, Mr./Mrs. Anonymous, have no business commenting with such lopsided disregard for written church doctrine and and for this good family. You hide behind your elementary understanding of church doctrine which is HILARIOUS because the fact that you view Rachel and Abe the way you do PROVES that you know nothing about proper church doctrine. How dare you consider someone else damned for who they marry! There is only to be one judge and I can promise you this...You are not it! You can interpret, or in your case, MISinterpret, all of the scriptures or just the ones you like to use to prove a point all you want, but the truth comes from someone more omnipotent and omnicent than you. You are not the speaker for the church or quite frankly, for the rest of us who are trying to live the gospels of the church. We are all imperfect, striving to be better partakers of the blessings and goodness of this life on earth and even in that imperfection, NONE of us is damned. That signifies that all hope is lost. THAT is the EXACT OPPOSITE of how Christ is. *shakin my head* The Lord has outlined who is damned (based upon actions) and marriage did not fall into those descriptors.

      I am literally befuddled that you would read a person's blog - especially Rachel's that is so loving and positive and hopeful and recognizes the hand of the Lord in her life daily - and then be so arrogant and obnoxious and make the statement you did. Here is a little truth for you...your opinion is not as important as you think it is and I think the word DELETE is in your future to stay if you don't humble yourself enough to understand that you stepped WAY over the line in your comment to Rachel. Disgraceful!

      To Rachel - a very loving and yet firm response. Good for you. You have a beautiful family IN Christ and thank you for being so strong. *un abrazo*

    4. Amen... Amen... Amen... Thank you for being my loving "sister" standing up for me against the bullies. :-) I love you.


Thank you for your comments! As you prepare your words, please remember that I am a real person with a real family. Choose your words kindly and lovingly.