Monday, April 1, 2013

My Easter Miracle of Strength

On Saturday, I worked on an Easter service project for someone, and it took about 5 hours longer than I thought it would take.  That set me behind for the rest of my Easter projects for my church class and my children.... I finally finished my final project at 6:15am!!  I climbed into bed thinking about my busy day that was about to start again in a couple of hours.  I didn't have any tears, but I felt very scared about how I would make Easter morning special, fulfill my church responsibilities, and make and host dinner for 19 people after church with such little sleep.  I tried to devise a plan as I prayed with all my heart for help.  I thought that maybe I would go to the van and sleep during the 3rd hour of church if I was completely drained.

As I prayed, the thought came very strong into my mind, "I will strengthen you."

I felt at peace and went straight to sleep.

I woke the next morning feeling a bit nervous about my long to-do list.  We had a beautiful time with the children in the morning going through their Easter baskets.

We even took pictures before church!  :)

Then we hurried off to church picking up two extra children on the way.

I taught my church class during the 2nd hour of church with all the feeling and love in my heart for my Savior, did my secretarial work for the primary during the 1st half of the 3rd hour, and my mind was clear and my body was strong enough to even take care of another teacher's baby during the 2nd half of the 3rd hour of church.  I didn't even need my nap!

After church, we raced home.  I made a list for each child with assignments so that things could run as smoothly as possible.  Because our time before church was so busy with our children, I hadn't made a single item of food yet.  We had a huge Easter dinner to prepare with only an hour and a half to do it all!!

We all went to work.  Our dinner guests arrived, and we were only a little delayed.

Dinner was great.  Conversation was great.  Our Easter celebration was just how I would have wanted it.  As our last guests prepared to leave close to 11pm, the mother asked me how I was able to do so much and still have a clear mind to converse.

A flash of realization ran through my heart and mind.

I said, "Oh let me tell you... It was a miracle!!  I asked God for help because there was no way I could do it all without him strengthening me."

Less than a half an hour after all of our guests left, I collapsed on the hard floor in our family room.  I told Abe I would be staying up to write.  He brought me my pajamas and laid them by my side, but I didn't wake up until 8:30 this morning!  I still had my dress and church shoes on!!!

It was a miracle that God strengthened my body for the time period that I truly needed to be strengthened.  Then, when I was done with those responsibilities, the exhaustion hit.  I have a testimony that God strengthens us to do the things HE has called us to do.


  1. What a wonderful story of how the Lord answers prayers. You continue to amaze me at how your use your simple faith in every aspect of your life and you don't slow down --- you just keep on going, knowing that the Lord will make up the difference and all will be well. It has truly inspired me over the past couple of months to ensure that I am using my faith in all areas of my life and allowing the Lord to fulfill his promises, instead of complaining when things get difficult. Great job!

    ps: And your kids are super adorable in their Easter outfits. You guys are an awesome family!

    1. Thank you, thank you!! You do SO MUCH!! As you continue with God's strength all the way in California, I am inspired to continue with God's strength here in Michigan. God bless you!!!


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