Thursday, August 8, 2013

Published on TOFW!!!

My husband performs at "Time Out for Women" conferences.  These conferences uplift and celebrate women all over the world.  I'm always a bit jealous every time he goes because he returns feeling so inspired and uplifted.  While I'm grateful for his boost, it is for WOMEN for goodness sakes. :-)

I am overjoyed today because my blog is featured on the "Time Out for Women" website!  I have the wonderful opportunity to join in their valiant efforts to uplift and celebrate women.

For the next four Thursdays in August, please visit their website to read another excerpt from my family's life.

Please go to this link: for today's story.

Thank you for accompanying me on this journey of life and this journey of finding God's miracles in our daily lives!

If you have time, I would LOVE it if you would share some of your uplifting thoughts about your lives after the story on their website.

Thank you again!!  Much, much love to you all!!!


  1. I saw that on their blog this morning!! How very exciting for you!

    1. Andrea... you are the greatest person to have as a support through the good and the bad, and I've never even met you!! Thank you! :-) ~ The Mills Family loves you!

  2. Bravo! Congrats! and Cheerio! You are a star! I find your blog so uplifting and refreshing. In my own little corner of the world tucked away in California, I struggle with my bumps in the road wondering how everyone else seems to be able to manage, so what is wrong with me? I LOVE that you help me to see my bumps as part of the process and it REALLY REALLY REALLY helps me to feel like I can keep going. Your faith is utterly astounding to me. I think of you often in the middle of my talks with the kids and I say, "I wonder how Rachel would respond to this?" and then I use my soft voice *LOL*

    Thanks for all of the insight and guidance. I am happy that you will be featured on the TOFW page! I'll link up that blog on my page!

    1. Thank you for sharing in the excitement! I feel your burning testimony and fearless faith across the miles. You, my friend, are a pillar of strength! Someday I will give you a grandiose hug!! :-)


Thank you for your comments! As you prepare your words, please remember that I am a real person with a real family. Choose your words kindly and lovingly.