Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Writing For Our Posterity

On my way to bed last night, I decided to check on all the kids one last time. Everyone was fine except for Jayden.  He was sleeping soundly, but he reeked of poop.  (Sorry there just isn't a better way to put it.)  I began to change him and realized it was all up his back and down his leg.  I had to change all of his clothes and fully wipe him down at 4am.  Of course, that woke him up all the way, so my opportunity to go to bed any time soon was gone.  

After such a rough night, I woke up exhausted.  Even after I had been walking around for a while, I still could barely pry my eyes open.  I prayed this morning wondering if it was worth staying up later than usual last night to write.  Immediately, the thought came strongly in my mind, "You are leaving your stories for your posterity."  I thanked Heavenly Father for renewing me.  

Soon after, my mother texted me out of the blue and said, "Loved the priesthood msg. Beautifully done. Glad you are recording for posterity."  I couldn't believe it!  God had spoken the importance of my posterity into my mind, and HE spoke the very same message into my mother's mind who confirmed that same message back to me.  I believe God wanted to make sure I heard HIS message loud and clear.

I thank our loving Heavenly Father who answers all prayers. I thank HIM for reminding me of the importance of passing on my testimony to my posterity. 

In remembering the importance of my posterity, I decided to share another one of Tyson's miracles, for us to read now and also for his posterity.

I remember this experience; it happened about a year and a half ago.  I am touched that he remembers it so well too, and I am grateful that he chose to write it down... He is 9 yrs. old.


Once we were driving late at night and we were all tired.  Soon we came to a red light.  The car in front of us went, so we thought we were supposed to go.  When we went mom noticed she had went at the wrong time!  When she noticed cars came zooming at her.  Mom thought the cars would hit her!  But then something turned the cars tires and we did not get hit!  Mom knew that the angels turned the cars tires.  We all said a prayer of thanks.  I’m happy for angels and the Holy Ghost.  I also know that Jesus died on cross and suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane.  I love Jesus.  He is my strength. I know Jesus has a plan for us.  I love my family.


  1. Thank you, Sweet Rachel, for writing for our posterity! I love you.

    1. Oh Abe, I love you so much. You are always supportive. I miss you!!

  2. Okay, first I must confess that I laughed when I read this post. Not to be rude. Of course not! But it was really nice to know that other mother's experience baby's who won't go back to sleep at those early hours. I thought for sure I had the only one and I wondered why she was like this. I even promised her $100 for her piggy bank if she would go back to sleep. This was when she was 18 months old, of course. She did not go back to sleep until 6am. *LOL*

    Now, this post was so important for me to read. This coincides with EXACTLY what I was feeling yesterday. I am in the middle of finishing a couple of books and I got side tracked with my schoolwork and the PTA stuff. But my sons enjoyed my first book so much that they keep asking when am I going to write another one. I, of course, would tell them "I'm trying" but it kept gnawing at me. Then when I finally had a moment to really ponder on their question, the answer came to me, "You need to write these books. Your kids need you to finish. They believe in you." Well, everyone in my house has been sick for the past week and I was finishing up my research project and was quite occupied. Then I got sick. BUT, after pondering and receiving my answer, I got up early in the morning to take my son to seminary and I actually finishd the second book. It only needed the final chapter, but it is done. It's on a tough subject, but the children will read it someday and they will remember.

    So, thank you for not only writing for your posterity, but for inspiring those of us who needed a little nudge because, in the end, our words, whether written or spoken, are our testimony and there is not greater give to leave our children. Thank you Rachel!

    1. Wow!!! I would LOVE to read your books!! If it gave your brilliant mind a nudge to finish a BOOK, it was all worth it. When will you publish your next book, and how do I find your first book? What are the names of them? So many questions!!!

      Congratulations!!!!!!!!! God puts inspiration in our hearts, and it feels so revitalizing to write those words down.

      I also love the loyal and sincere support our children give us.

      Thank you for your comment!


Thank you for your comments! As you prepare your words, please remember that I am a real person with a real family. Choose your words kindly and lovingly.